Wednesday April 2, 2025 2:30pm - 3:30pm CDT
This workshop covers alcohol and drug clothing, alcoholic energy drinks, prescription drug abuse and misuse, alcohol and drug concealment methods and containers, drug paraphernalia, drug related music and groups, logos, stickers, new technology, youth party tendencies, party games, non-traditional alcoholic beverages, social networking sites, synthetic drugs, OTC drugs, inhalants, marijuana concentrates, E-cigarettes, and popular party drugs, including opioids, Adderall, and ecstasy. It also includes common stash compartments that can be used to hide weapons inside everyday clothing containers and other items, in addition to the impact on traffic safety. In addition, the Tall Cop reviews the emerging trends of Xylazine, legal “gas station heroin” products, and Opioids.
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Jermaine Galloway

Officer Galloway, a Texan, known nationally as the Tall Cop, has worked insubstance abuse prevention and education for over 20 years. After playingDivision I basketball and receiving his BA in Sociology from the University ofSan Francisco, he worked as a law enforcement officer for... Read More →
Wednesday April 2, 2025 2:30pm - 3:30pm CDT

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