Wednesday April 2, 2025 11:25am - 12:20pm CDT
Preparing for, and ultimately limiting the number of casualties during a critical incident is the driving purpose of Emergency Operations Management.  Our districts have created specific Annexes and Appendices within our MEOPs to address these concerns.
This presentation looks beyond the printed word and examines how relevant our training practices are, and how realistic are the expectations.  Staff serving as Immediate Responders as they await the arrival of emergency services must have a clear understanding of their roles and responsibilities.  Unless trained to be “the police” there should be no expectation that they perform as such.  This discussion will serve to clear any blurred lines and ensure training is being well documented and effectively delivered.
avatar for Mike Lane

Mike Lane

Mike Lane is the Chief of Police for Bells ISD.  He is also the Region 10 Director of the Texas School Districts Police Chiefs’ Association.  Previous to SBLE, Chief Lane retired as a Captain of the Lewisville Police Department after 26 years of service.Chief Lane is a staff... Read More →
avatar for Jeremy Thompson

Jeremy Thompson

Deputy Superintendent, Denton ISD
Dr. Jeremy Thompson serves as the Deputy Superintendent of Denton ISD, overseeing the district’s financial operations and business office.  Previously he served 19 years as Superintendent of Era and Ponder ISDs.Dr. Thompson has implemented and managed Defender (Guardian) programs... Read More →
avatar for Josh Weger

Josh Weger

Superintendent, Bells ISD
Josh Weger currently serves as the Assistant Superintendent of Bells ISD.  There, he oversees curriculum and instruction, human resources, federal programs, accountability, and the district's armed Defender Program.  His is a hybrid model integrating resources from both an internal... Read More →
Wednesday April 2, 2025 11:25am - 12:20pm CDT
Bowie - 2nd Floor

Attendees (2)

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