Wednesday April 2, 2025 10:20am - 11:15am CDT
In an often tense and conflict-laden world, careful planning provides the best chance for preventing disruptions and being prepared to respond to emergencies during public school board meetings.  This session will cover:

- The importance of communication and pre-planning by the cabinet, school board and security personnel

- A review of important board policies governing school board meetings

- Proper board room set-up with an eye towards safety and security

- Emergency procedures for responding to disruptions and violence during board meetings

- Avoiding legal “danger zones” under the Texas Open Meetings Act

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Joseph Parks

Director of Employee Relations Workplace Investigations, Garland ISD
Joseph (Joe) Parks is a Texas attorney and consultant whose practice focuses on school safety, workplace investigations and training. He served more than a decade as the Executive Director of Safety and Security for one of Texas’ largest school districts and is an honorably retired... Read More →
Wednesday April 2, 2025 10:20am - 11:15am CDT
Crockett - 2nd Floor

Attendees (2)

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