Venue: Houston/Lamar - 2nd Floor clear filter
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Wednesday, April 2

10:20am CDT

Hot Yoga Tallahassee – A National Threat Assessment Center Extremism Case Study
Wednesday April 2, 2025 10:20am - 11:15am CDT
The Hot Yoga Tallahassee case study demonstrates the opportunities that exist to prevent targeted violence while drawing particular focus to the risk posed by misogynistic extremism. Highlighted throughout the case study are assessment themes that were evident in the background of the Hot Yoga Tallahassee attacker. These assessment themes are frequently seen in the backgrounds of other attackers and, as such, should be the focus of community-level violence prevention efforts to identify and intervene with those who pose a risk of engaging in targeted violence.
avatar for Jeff Murray

Jeff Murray

Domestic Security Strategist, National Threat Assessment Center United States Secret Service
Jeff Murray currently serves as a Domestic Security Strategist (DSS) with the U.S. Secret Service NationalThreat Assessment Center (NTAC) where he interfaces with community safety leaders to facilitate accessto NTAC resources and the development of targeted violence prevention programs... Read More →
Wednesday April 2, 2025 10:20am - 11:15am CDT
Houston/Lamar - 2nd Floor

11:25am CDT

Gang Awareness: Identifying Signs, Tattoos, and Trends
Wednesday April 2, 2025 11:25am - 12:20pm CDT
This session provides an in-depth overview of the key indicators associated with gang activity, including common gang symbols, tattoos, and evolving trends. Participants will learn to recognize visual markers and behavioral patterns that can help law enforcement, educators, and community members identify potential gang involvement.

The session will also explore how gang culture is shifting, with a focus on new and emerging hybrid gangs, and their impact on local communities. Attendees will gain insight into the significance of specific tattoos, hand signs, colors, and other identifiers that gangs use to assert their presence and affiliations.

Additionally, the session will highlight the importance of early intervention and collaboration between various sectors to prevent gang involvement and mitigate its effects. Whether you're a law enforcement professional or educator, this session will equip you with the tools needed to spot the signs of gang activity and stay informed on current trends.
avatar for Victor Diaz

Victor Diaz

Detective, Richardson Police Department
Detective Victor Diaz serves as a Task Force Officer (TFO) with the Dallas FBI Violent Crimes Task Force. With over eighteen years of experience at the Richardson Police Department, he has earned prestigious honors, including being named Detective of the Year and Sworn Officer of... Read More →
Wednesday April 2, 2025 11:25am - 12:20pm CDT
Houston/Lamar - 2nd Floor

1:25pm CDT

TEA Office of School Safety and Security Updates
Wednesday April 2, 2025 1:25pm - 2:20pm CDT
Deputy Chief Finley will provide a TEA Office of School Safety and Security update, to include the latest information on imminent rollout of the Behavioral Threat Assessment (BTA) portion on Sentinel. Upcoming BTA (Sentinel) training dates will be released along with chance to register first while in the session. 
avatar for Jay Finley

Jay Finley

Deputy Chief - Office of School Safety and Security, Texas Education Agency
Wednesday April 2, 2025 1:25pm - 2:20pm CDT
Houston/Lamar - 2nd Floor
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